Creation Begins

Tuesday, translated as “Yom Shlishi,” in Hebrew references the 3rd day of creation during which G-d separates land and sea, brings forth vegetation from the earth and “saw that it was good” twice! Tuesday is therefore a most auspicious day in the Jewish calendar- the day for weddings, and certainly a great day to start new projects. Today is made doubly special because it is Rosh Chodesh Sivan, or the beginning of the month of Sivan in the Jewish calendar. It marks the month in which Noah’s ark came to rest on dry land. G-d gave the Torah to the Israelites there in the wilderness marking them officially as The Jewish People.—which marks the month in which Noah’s ark came to rest on dry land and G-d gave the Torah to the Israelites in the wilderness marking them officially: the Jewish people. So today seems like an excellent day to start a blog on a new/old kind of Jewish perspective. With every new venture we take a minute to mourn and remember the Jewish nation of old before the fall of the 2nd Temple and the dispersion of our people. “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill!” (psalm 137:5) We keep our hearts ever in the East, always praying towards Israel, but now it’s time for our minds to venture a little further eastwards….

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